dinsdag 10 februari 2009

Paperwork, Sultanahmet and finally some pictures

Because some people are curious about what my writings, I'm going to write in English today :)

I slept very well tonight. So well that I almost overslept. The Erasmus students had to go to the Kuştepe campus this morning to register at the university. It was quite a lot of paperwork. But after that we finally got a Bilgi student card. We also got a form which is needed to apply for a transportation card, a prepaid card for the public transport. On the bus back home I spoke about the card with a Turkish student, Dila. She went to the transportation office with us to help us with the application. Procedures had changed and the form wasn't enough anymore. The new procedure contains an online registration procedure and we also had to go to the bank. Dila would try to register in our names. The Turkish students are really helpful. Without their help, I would have lost a lot of time.

In the afternoon I went to the dormitory officer. There was no place left in a room with for beds so I had to stay in the room with six. Actually, I don't care, at least I could unpack all my stuff now.

In the evening, Hasan guided us trough some parts of Sultanahmet. I'm certainly going to the Egypt Bazaar again. There are a lot of sweets, and a whole assortment of different kinds of tea. I'd love to try them all. What I don't like is that the Erasmus students are seen as tourists. Almost every taxi who passes honks and the salers in the Bazaar think we're just there to spend money. I'm studying here, I'm not a tourist.

As promised some pictures of the view from the seventh floor:
The Golden Horn and the southern part of European Istanbul.
On the background, the Bosporus and the Asian side.

The Galata tower.
A mosque near the dormitory and on the background, one of the bridges over the Bosporus.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Bedankt voor de mooie foto's, maar wij zijn Vlamingen

  2. amai, sommige foto's zien er echt sprookjesachtig uit!

    succes met de administratie daar :p
